Anyone working within the KBB industry is welcome as an FKBD associate.

Its free and easy, no strings, nothing to loose

All you need is a valid email address and an interest in the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom industry.  You can be active in the industry or retired, or working in an allied profession like interior design.

If you are part of the industry please register with us FREE by clicking here.

For everyone:

You will then gain access to the private section of our website as part of our KBB community.  Being part of our community will always be free and allow you to interact with other people working in similar roles to yourself.  You can log onto the site and access the private area anytime, you can post your thoughts and ideas, you can submit photos of your designs and finished work for publication on the public site or you can just observe.  We know some people are shy and would rather listen and watch than be in the limelight themselves.  If that's you, no problem.  You can be as active or passive as you want.

For KBB designers:

FKBD Membership is available by invitation or application to individuals who work within kitchen, bedroom or bathroom design. Our members are all experienced and competent designers, and invitations will only issued to people with proven KBB design experience to ensure compliance with our focus on excellent design and customer service.  Anyone who feels they meet the criteria can apply for membership once they are registered and have access to the private section of our website. Membership is also free of charge, although there will be a small administration fee levied at the application stage to cover the administration and verification costs.

Non Profit basis

The FKBD operates on a Not for Profit basis, but we do incur expenses and voluntary donations are welcome and helpful. If you are able you can donate by clicking the link below which will take you to our PayPal. Thank you.

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