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Finishing touches can turn a modern bathroom design into a spectacularly luxurious interior.

From modern bathroom accessories and radiators, to relaxing showers and breathtaking lighting, discover the perfect décor to transform your bathroom. 

Bringing the outside in is a trend that has been gaining traction in bathroom design since 2020 and is predicted to become one of the biggest trends of 2023. This trend combines elements from traditional and modern designs, resulting in a unique aesthetic that will make your bathroom stand out from the rest. Not only does this trend provide a unique style, but it also offers practical benefits as well. Let’s take a closer look at why you should consider this trend for your home. 

How Bringing the Outside In Looks

The bringing the outside in trend is all about getting the outdoors inside. This can be done through the use of natural materials such as wood and stone, as well as plants, glass walls, and more. Additionally, this trend focuses on open spaces and an overall light-filled atmosphere that allows natural light to enter the room freely throughout the day. By utilizing windows, lighting and mirrors placed around the room, you can further create an illusion of being outdoors while still providing plenty of privacy. 



A part of the Bathroom Brands Group which also includes the Clearwater, Britton and Burlington brands.

Crosswater Limited

Lake View House, Rennie Drive, Dartford, Kent, DA1 5FU 

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